Take Back Ownership of Your Data

Secure your contact info safely on your device
Share what you want with who you want

Unlock the Power of Self-Sovereign Directories

  • Secure Storage

    Securely store your contact information on your own device & let trusted parties access what you decide.

  • Data Privacy

    Protect your data from third-parties & malicious actors by maintaining full control over who can access what information.

  • Custom Sharing

    Customize exactly what information to share with each contact or directory & how it gets displayed.

  • Update without Effort

    No more messages about your new number — update once & it’s changed for everyone you’ve shared with.

Welcome to the Future of Data

  • Privacy & Security

    Share only what you want directly from your device, without third-party interference.

  • Flexibility & Control

    Enjoy full control of data visibility which can be customized for each contract or directory.

  • Connectivity

    Easily connect with others without sacrificing privacy or nags to update details.

Own Your Data

Keep your contact info self-sovereign for full confidence, control, & flexibility. Create a single profile that you can hide or share custom details from with directories or individuals. Update your core profile anytime & rest assured your contacts have the new details without having to let anyone know.